Our iSyllabus teachers are highly skilled and knowledgeable, using a variety of teaching methods to engage students with their deen at this crucial age. We show our students how to follow the teachings of the Qur’an and Sunnah, learn about a range of fiqh from different madhabs, and pray in congregation in weekday classes.
The iSyllabus for Schools programme is a highly recommended five-year curriculum, encouraging students to explore their faith more mature level. Open class discussions are central, and students feel comfortable that they are in a safe space to ask questions, about the issues they face in modern Britain. Students also enjoy taking ownership of the direction of their learning, which is part of the key to our success.
Please visit to find out more about this exciting course.
Class Times:
- iSyllabus, Book 1 (age 11-12) – Wednesday from 6:00pm-7:30pm
- £90 per school term
- Can be combined with Weekday Qur’an – £260 per school term
- iSyllabus, Book 1 (age 11-12) – Sunday from 11.00am-12.30pm
- £90 per school term
- Can be combined with Weekday Qur’an – £260 per school term
- iSyllabus, Book 3 (age 13-16) – Wednesday from 6:00pm-7:30pm
- £90 per school term
- Can be combined with Weekday Qur’an – £260 per school term
- iSyllabus, Book 3 (age 12-14) – Sunday from 11:00am-12:30pm
- £90 per school term
- iSyllabus, Book 4 (age 13-16) – Sunday from 11.00am-12.30pm
- £90 per school term
- Can be combined with Weekday Qur’an – £260 per school term
Books available for purchase:
- iSyllabus Workbook 1 £15
- iSyllabus Workbook 2 £15
- iSyllabus Workbook 3 £15
- iSyllabus Workbook 4 £15